Hello there 👋

I’ve been working on Shopify Apps full-time since 2021 and I’m the founder of Ablestar. Prior to that I worked as a data scientist at Sequoia Capital and in InfoSec at Mandiant.

I live in Spain 🇪🇸 with my wife and three kids. Here I write notes on Shopify and other tech things I find intersting.

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A Home E-Ink Display with TRMNL and Cloudflare Workers

For whatever reason, our youngest child finds it hilarious to ask if there’s school tomorrow. He knows the days of the week and which days have school, but that doesn’t stop him from asking. For my part, I’ve always liked the idea of e-ink displays as a personal dashboard. They’re unobtrusive, don’t need frequent charging, and I enjoy tinkering with hardware. So, using his questions as an excuse, I spent some time last weekend configuring an e-ink display to definitively answer the question, “Is there school tomorrow?...

March 7, 2025

3 Ways to Manage Shopify GraphQL Queries

We first started using Shopify’s GraphQL API back in 2018 to run faster inventory edits with our Ablestar Bulk Product Editor. It was our first experience with GraphQL and, needless to say, our code was a bit rough. Eventually, we got everything working, but we were manually building our GraphQL queries and missing out on key GraphQL features like schema validation. As we added more GraphQL API calls to our apps and upgraded between Shopify API versions, it became increasingly difficult to keep track of different queries and ensuring they all ran correctly....

February 10, 2025

How to Download Shopify's GraphQL Schema

While setting up VS Code for GraphQL development (with autocomplete and schema validation) I wanted to download a copy of Shopify’s GraphQL schema for local use. After a little searching I found get-graphql-schema which allows you to download the entire GraphQL schema to a file. As for where to download the schema from, initially it seemed like you needed to use an authenticated endpoint but I found that Shopify also makes an unauthenticated endpoint available at https://shopify....

January 28, 2025

Migrating from Shopify's Product REST API to GraphQL

Our Ablestar Bulk Product Editor app processes millions of products each day and is a big user of Shopify’s product APIs. When we created the app in 2016 Shopify only had a REST API for product data and so that is what we used for the app. Over time new features, like standardized product categories, were released and we support those through the GraphQL API. Still, as of the start of 2024 the majority of our app continued to use the REST APIs....

June 19, 2024

Improving LCP on Your Shopify App

Last contentful paint (LCP) is a big pain-point for Shopify app developers seeking the Built for Shopify (BFS) badge. There’s a lot of different factors that can slow you down, it depends on real-world performance, and there’s a delay before you see the metrics. This makes it hard to iterate quickly and it can take a long time to identify and fix issues. One of our apps, the Ablestar Link Manager, is Built for Shopify....

April 9, 2024